Chanukah Party
Mon, Dec 11
You are warmly invited to the Safed English Library for a festive Chanukah celebration on the 5th night of Chanukah, Monday, December 11th, at 5 PM. This special gathering promises an evening filled with storytelling, games, sufganiot, and the beautiful traditional hanukiah candlelighting.

Time & Location
Dec 11, 2023, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+2
Safed, Jerusalem St 38, Safed, Israel
About the Event
Dear friends,
As we come together to celebrate the Festival of Lights, it's a joyous occasion to share the spirit of togetherness and community. The English Library, with its cozy atmosphere, will be a perfect setting for this festive event. Whether you're a regular visitor or someone new to our community, we extend a warm welcome to all.
The evening promises to be filled with engaging storytelling, lively games, and of course, the sweet indulgence of sufganiot. As we light the candles together, let us reflect on the themes of hope, miracles, and the enduring light that unites us all.
This event is open to everyone, regardless of background or beliefs. Chanukah is a time for sharing joy, fostering connections, and embracing the diversity that makes our community vibrant.
We hope to see you at the English Library on Monday, December 11th, at 5 PM, as we come together to celebrate the warmth of Chanukah and the spirit of unity.
Wishing you a bright and joyous Chanukah season!